Thursday, May 9, 2013

Reflections and Thoughts

I am a quite person, I normally don't talk much or function very well in a large social setting. I'm an introvert by nature, but when I am passionate about something I come out of my shell and make it known. This was the case for Ireland. I've had the opportunity to travel and try new things. I've been to Berlin, Prague, Venice, Zermatt, and Cinque Terre and am now starting to see the world. It's bizarre though, before this trip I've never traveled. Well, with the exception of going to Toronto, Canada and Erie, PA but being from Buffalo, NY I don't really count those. I am now starting to see the world and my eyes are starting to open to all that around me. I mean, we learn about the world in school and I think we really don't appreciate the significance of it. For example, when we went to Berlin we got to see the site of the Berlin wall and visit Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Sure we learn about it, but do we really value it and understand it? For me I did not until I actually saw it with my own eyes. The same goes for Ireland; I knew of Irish culture but I really did not value it until I came here and was actually involved in it. Dungarvan, my hometown . . . 


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